Alvecote Wood/Betty's Wood Open Day

Photo of Alvecote Wood, overlooking tall grass and trees

Here are the open day dates:

25th August, 29th September, 27th October and 24th November.

All Open Days run from 10am to 3:30pm.

The pattern of the last Sunday in each month is expected to continue through to the end of November but we always recommend checking our Facebook page for the latest news and updates:

The Woods will be open for people to enjoy a nice walk around.

Last entry for walking around at 2:30pm.

Free entry.

We can sometimes offer Guided Tours at 11am and at 2pm, first come first served on the day and *subject to availability of help on the day*. We are sorry some aspects are still limited.

Check our Facebook page for the latest updates.
Please see the notes below when planning your visit.

If you've been before, please come again as there is always something new to see with the change of the seasons and the progress we are making with our coppicing, wildflower meadows, tree-planting and other wildlife activities, not to mention the exciting woodland creation project: Betty's Wood.

Information leaflets and site maps are available for free.

Notes for Open Day Visitors - please also read our information leaflet.

Parking: Please note that there is limited car parking at Alvecote Wood, so if you are able to walk, cycle or share a car, we would be very grateful. There is parking for a few vehicles on hardstanding to the left of our main building, with overflow space for more cars on the grass nearby when required.

**Please minimise driving on the grass. The soil is vitally important in any Ancient Woodland and we should avoid compacting it unnecessarily.**



Alvecote Wood


Pragmasis Ltd 78 Castlehall Tamworth Staffordshire B77 2EG