Civic Pride awards celebrate Tamworth’s great community spirit

11 October 2022
- Nominated by Councillors, 24 people have been recognised for their contribution to their community
- Awards for individuals and groups which make a significant contribution to the community of Tamworth
- Civic Pride Award presentation took place on October 7
Tamworth Borough Council welcomed guests to the Assembly Rooms on Friday, October 7, for the first Civic Pride Awards ceremony, to honour individuals and groups who have shown commitment to the town and have given back to their community.
Tamworth Borough Councillors were given the opportunity to nominate one individual or group who have done a significant act for the community or have raised the town’s profile in a positive and lasting way. Those kind-hearted people who have improved their local community, by volunteering or giving their time to go the extra mile to support the people of Tamworth, received a Civic Pride Award.
The evening saw people recognised for supporting communities during the pandemic lockdown, for work supporting children and young people, raising awareness of baby and infant loss, supporting and raising awareness of Tamworth’s LGBTQ+ community, charity fundraising, improving open spaces and habitats, litter picking and more.
Councillor Tina Clements, Cabinet member for Engagement, Civic Pride and Pride in Place, invited all award winners to a celebration presentation with the Mayor, Councillor Moira Greatorex, last Friday. Tina said: “As part of my new Cabinet portfolio, I really wanted to celebrate those individuals or groups that help our communities.
“The evening was emotional and humbling; hearing how people give themselves, their time, their hearts, to help others and improve things for everyone. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is how we all benefit from groups and individuals within our community who take action to help people who really need it. The people recognised help build communities, going above and beyond to make Tamworth the great place it is.
“As a council, we are forever grateful to these groups and believe that these Civic Awards should be given each year to demonstrate that together as a community we are stronger.”
A list of all the award winners can be found on the council website here: Civic Pride Awards | Tamworth Borough Council