Free Zumba Strong success kicks off a new summer programme

People looking for a new fitness challenge have enjoyed the first session of an exciting new programme of FREE Zumba at Tamworth Tennis Courts.
Active Tamworth - part of Tamworth Borough Council’s Sports Development - has teamed up with local Zumba instructor, Kasia, for a series of free Strong Zumba exercise classes, which are being held at the tennis courts in the Castle Grounds. These sessions are taking place every Tuesday, until August 28, from 7pm-8pm.
The first session, that took place on July 31, was a great success, with a turn-out of 18 people of all ages, who enjoyed an exciting new class of STRONG by Zumba. This exercise class combines body weight, muscle conditioning and cardio training moves, all synced to original music that has been specifically designed to match every single move. Every squat, every lunge, every burpee is driven by the music, helping you make it to that last rep, and maybe even five more!
Anyone interested in joining these sessions should turn up on a Tuesday evening at the tennis courts with a mat, (if you have one) water and a towel. This class is a high-intensity workout to a beat of powerful music, which aims to push you past your limits to meet your fitness goals faster.
Cllr John Chesworth, Cabinet member for Culture and Operational Services, said “These activities are always a huge success and are very popular; I am delighted that the first session has been a great success and I would encourage even more people to take this opportunity to enjoy a free session every Tuesday throughout the summer holidays.
“We have been working with sports clubs and individuals from across the borough to put together various summer activities and I’m delighted that we are able to work in partnership with Kasia to offer this free exercise class during the summer.
“We hope that people from across Tamworth will find the new class exciting and maybe try something they may not have tried before”.
Details of all the events can be found at: