Archaeological radar set to uncover more of Tamworth’s history

Following the success of recent community archaeological digs, Tamworth Borough Council is excited to confirm that, a new archaeology event takes place from 15 to 18 February.
Archaeologist William Mitchell from Staffordshire University is once again in Tamworth leading a team of students and volunteers to conduct a geophysical investigation of the wider bailey area. Public can visit the team between 10am and 4pm from Thursday 15 February to Sunday 18 February, to observe and learn more about the process.
Historic England has granted a licence for this activity for the purposes of archaeological research and is a continuation of a number of earlier community archaeology projects undertaken in the Castle Grounds in October 2022, March 2023 and November 2023, by the Centre of Archaeology and Tamworth Castle.
All projects have been funded from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
The surviving elements of Tamworth Castle were once part of a much larger fortification which was originally protected by a curtain wall and the river. During the medieval period, the lower castle bailey was accessed through a fortified gatehouse. This internal area would have been seen structures which supported the main castle, such as stables, storehouses and workshops.
During this geophysics investigation, a number of ground penetrating radar scans will be undertaken on the lower castle bailey. The aim of this work is to provide data to research the likelihood of buried archaeological remains across the lawned areas of the castle’s lower bailey.
An archive research display is also being showcased in Ankerside at the same time. People are invited to drop in any time between 10.30am - 4pm daily.
Councillor Tina Clements, Portfolio Holder for Engagement, Leisure and Events, said: “We received a great response to our archaeology digs by the public, that we are delighted to welcome William Mitchell back for this geophysical investigation.
“It’s hoped that this sophisticated radar technique, will unveil more details about our rich history and what lies beneath our castle gatehouse.”