Tamworth Castle gets full Museum Accreditation status

Tamworth Borough Council is proud to announce that Tamworth Castle has been awarded full Museum Accreditation status for a further five years by the Arts Council England panel.
The accreditation scheme is the UK industry standard for museums and galleries which helps everyone involved with a museum to do the right things, encouraging people to access and engage with collections and protect them for future generations. This is measured by an agreed standard in how museums manage their premises, collections and engage with visitors.
An award of full accreditation is valid for approximately five years, at which point Arts Council England will invite a museum to provide a return to demonstrate continuing compliance with the Accreditation Standard.
Councillor Tina Clements, Portfolio Holder for Engagement, Leisure and Events, said: “We’re always very proud of our wonderful castle, and this accreditation from the Arts Council England is a well-deserved recognition of its value, importance and diligence of the staff and volunteers.
“It is thanks to the huge amount of hard work and dedication which the whole team puts in, that makes the castle so special. The excellent interactions that visitors have at and the positive feedback we receive, continues to demonstrate that the castle is all about the people – our visitors, staff and volunteers.”
To book tickets, join our mailing list and view the packed programme of events at the castle online via: www.tamworthcastle.co.uk.
The accreditation scheme is managed as a UK Partnership between Arts Council England, the Welsh Government, Museums Galleries Scotland and Northern Ireland Museums Council. It is run for museums and galleries of all sizes and types across the UK.